today seems to me like one of those nothingy days when the weather is detrimental to be doing any work on my railway and the gloom of the day seems to infect your very soul and wont allow you to see the positives and has seen ones get up and go, get up and toddle off on its merry way without a hint at its return, fingers crossed a few new bits of interesting stuff shall arise and one can actually crack on and enjoy stuff and nonsense once more, but as of yet it has not arrived,

so over the last few weeks not a great deal of work has been done on the railway, but other work has been done but more of that in another post, the railway now has two sidings and a new wagon, this wagon will eventually become a guards van, a little hint to anyone who makes their own rolling stock plain bearings for wagons are all fine and well when properly greased but pillow block bearings are far superior in the rolling resistance of the wagon, once id put this chassis together i nudged it and it rolled the full length of the siding without hint of stopping, where if I’d done this to my other wagons they’d have rolled all of 8 inches and stopped,

I know this seems like the ramblings of a bored person (they are) grasping at any form of interesting thing to break up the monotony of this day of melancholy

By Josh

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