here is a small introduction to some of the stuff I get up to in my garden.
I have a lister petter engine which I use to power my powered hacksaw, this I use to cut the metalwork for my garden railway. This is the latest thing in a long list of what some of my friends call the “what is he up to now” list.
a good friend of mine kindly donated the lister engine to me to power the hacksaw which He knew would be used instead of becoming a new garden ornament.
it has been used to help manufacture three items of rolling stock for two different situations now and has proven its worth to me time and time again.
the lister engine has a lovely sound to it when it is ticking over and on occasion I do fire it up and sit in the garden with my banjolele and play along with it.
along with the lister engine and powered hacksaw I also have a locomotive which I have built from scratch using parts sourced form all over. this will have its own post upon this webpage shortly. I am relatively new to this so it may take some getting used to