So a little bit about me, I’m 28 (at time of writing, 2021) I enjoy many things but have a somewhat limited attention span hence the name of this interweb thingy. there are/ will be many things added to this page over the next while such as my adventures in my garden with my 1:1 scale garden railway or just my random wanderings over beck and burn and field and fell (and other things you can walk on)
I make things as well such as my own rolling stock for my railway and other peoples railways, I am a sign maker by trade although I am an ex railway-man. I also do the odd job here and there my little work motto is you’ll always find me willing to earn another shilling.
Recently I have taken up an old hobby of mine which is poetry and possible songwriting so some of that nonsense may appear here at some point
oh, and my name is Josh.
Friends quote of the month …. “how do you keep falling down the stairs?”