recently I purchased some models of some locomotives that i have wanted for quite some time, the first was a hornby stephensons rocket (live steam 3.5″ gauge) and the second was a 45mm gauge wingrove and rogers wr5/ w217, both of these locomotives arrived well within their arival dates, they are beautiful models (photos to be uploaded shortly)
the rocket is a lovely model, it has some very interesting features and came with a valuable lesson, when trying to steam a model you dont know if it works do so with great caution unlike what i did, Dont worry no serious injuries were sustained to myself or the locomotive but there suddenly was a lot more fire than there needed to be and a distinct lack of hair on my hands where there was some seconds before, needless to say a strong brew was needed that afternoon. once the new gas chamber arrives for it i shall video its first steaming.
now onto the wr5, this is a wonderful little model of a wingrove and rogers wr5/ w217 mining locomotive, I used to own a ful size one that got me into making a 2 foot gauge railway in the garden but unfortunatly thats another story for now, this model is 3d printed and i’m told quite a reliable little model, unfortunatly i cant say that for my one although that is more to do with my inept ability to break things and bad luck, once running the loco looks amazing, her little side rods wizz round at a rate of knots and she trundels off into the distance, after i painted her i was greatly supprised how good the model looks, even with a bad paint job.
i shall get back to doing this more regularly when some form of regularity resumes (life keeps throwing curveballs at me at the moment)
speak soon